分項計畫:計畫二 專業服務 ‧ 全面參與(善盡社會責任)
子計畫 :子計畫三 教育延伸 ‧ 企業輔導(2-3)
行動方案:行動方案一 教育資源跨校交流分享(2-3-1)
活動日期:2023-11-24 ~ 2023-11-24
參加人數: 22
2023/11/24 上午班 校外教學08:10-12:00
參加班級: 雅婷班、富強班、喬雅班
學生名單: 熊開樂、楠依、鹿愷、馬德龍、包宏勛、白艾德、藍亭俐、孔冠德、裴嵐碩、王茹蘭、李麗景、何帆嗣、李思珊、黃婷玉、魏光仁、徐蓉顯
集合時間: 11/24(五) 9:00
集合地點: 家樂福入口 購物車借用處見
活動時間: 8:10-12:00
第一組: 熊開樂、白艾德、徐蓉顯
第二組: 楠依、孔冠德、李麗景
第三組: 鹿愷、王茹蘭、黃婷玉、何帆嗣
第四組: 馬德龍、裴嵐碩、魏光仁
第五組: 包宏勛、藍亭俐、李思珊
1. |
老師出題提供30個物品的照片(每組6張)。讓各組學生去照相(找到一樣的物品並且拍下外包裝名稱與金額)。 |
計時20分鐘 (比賽哪一組最快回來) (三位校本部學生協助活動拍照) |
2. |
學生回來詢問三位校本部學生物品的中文怎麼說,並且寫下拼音。 |
3. |
每一個人說出兩個句子,並且說明什麼時候用、該物品有什麼功用。 每個句子最少要使用1個物品名稱。 |
4. |
計時20分鐘 (比賽哪一組最快,且金額最接近500元) |
5. |
2023/11/24 下午班 校外教學12:10-16:00
參加班級: 雅婷班、喬雅班、富強班
學生名單: 洪和吉、比沂安、孟安娜、董樂佳
集合時間: 11/24(五) 13:32
集合地點: 家樂福入口 購物車借用處見
活動時間: 12:10-16:00
第一組: 洪和吉、徐可茗、詹語果
第二組: 比沂安、施雅菲
第三組: 董樂佳、彭若詩、
第四組: 孟安娜、雷赫曼
1. |
老師出題提供20個物品的照片(每組5張)。讓各組學生去照相(找到一樣的物品並且拍下外包裝名稱與金額)。 |
計時20分鐘 (比賽哪一組最快回來) |
2. |
學生回來詢問兩位老師物品的中文怎麼說,並且寫下拼音。 |
3. |
每一個人說出兩個句子。 每個句子最少要使用1個物品名稱。 |
4. |
計時20分鐘 (比賽哪一組最快,且金額最接近500元) |
5. |
16:00解散 |
對於活動時間安排是否滿意? Are you satisfied with the time of this activity?→4.8
對於活動地點安排是否滿意? Are you satisfied with the place of this activity?→4.6
對於活動內容是否滿意? Are you satisfied with the content of this activity?→4.6
對於本活動幫助語言能力的提升是否滿意? Are you satisfied with the improvement of language ability by this activity?→4.6
對於整體活動是否滿意? Overall, are you satisfied with this activity?→4.6
對於自己的表現滿意嗎?Are you satisfied with your performance?→4.3
1. 佛光大學校本部學生周O明:
b.經過這次活動,你/妳提升了什麼能力? What skills did you enhance during this activity?
溝通表達 Communication Skills, 領導力 Leadership Skills, 人際互動 Interpersonal Interaction Skills, 團隊合作 Teamwork Skills。
c.經過本次的活動讓您學習到什麼?對未來有何幫助活動收穫? What did you gain from this activity? In the future, how can it enrich your life? 我學習到團結力量大 未來一定可以跟其他外國朋友一樣團結
d.活動建議What is your suggestion for this kind of activity?
覺得超級好玩 看到他們這麼團結 我也好想跟他們一起玩
2. 佛光大學華語文教學中心學生范氏O蘭:
a.為何來參加活動:I would like to make new friends。
b.經過這次活動,你/妳提升了什麼能力? What skills did you enhance during this activity?
溝通表達 Communication Skills, 人際互動 Interpersonal Interaction Skills, 團隊合作 Teamwork Skills, 問題解決 Problem Solving Skills, 創造力 Creativity Skills, 外語能力 Foreign Languages Skills, 華語能力 Chinese Language Skills。
c.經過本次的活動讓您學習到什麼?對未來有何幫助活動收穫? What did you gain from this activity? In the future, how can it enrich your life?
I haven't taken part in this activity, so I don't know what I can obtain from that.
d.活動建議What is your suggestion for this kind of activity?
I have no ideas.
3. 佛光大學華語文教學中心教師詹O婷:
b.經過這次活動,你/妳提升了什麼能力? What skills did you enhance during this activity?
溝通表達 Communication Skills, 領導力 Leadership Skills。
c.經過本次的活動讓您學習到什麼?對未來有何幫助活動收穫? What did you gain from this activity? In the future, how can it enrich your life?
d.活動建議What is your suggestion for this kind of activity?
4. 佛光大學校本部學生黃O勳:
b.經過這次活動,你/妳提升了什麼能力? What skills did you enhance during this activity?
溝通表達 Communication Skills, 人際互動 Interpersonal Interaction Skills, 團隊合作 Teamwork Skills, 問題解決 Problem Solving Skills, 思考力Thinking Skills, 整合組織能力 Organizational Skills, 外語能力 Foreign Languages Skills, 華語能力 Chinese Language Skills。
c.經過本次的活動讓您學習到什麼?對未來有何幫助活動收穫? What did you gain from this activity? In the future, how can it enrich your life?
d.活動建議What is your suggestion for this kind of activity?
5. 佛光大學華語文教學中心學生白O德:
a.為何來參加活動:to learn about things for house keep up。
b.經過這次活動,你/妳提升了什麼能力? What skills did you enhance during this activity?
溝通表達 Communication Skills, 領導力 Leadership Skills, 人際互動 Interpersonal Interaction Skills, 團隊合作 Teamwork Skills, 問題解決 Problem Solving Skills, 創造力 Creativity Skills, 思考力Thinking Skills, 規劃力 Planning Skills, 整合組織能力 Organizational Skills, 外語能力 Foreign Languages Skills, 華語能力 Chinese Language Skills。
c.經過本次的活動讓您學習到什麼?對未來有何幫助活動收穫? What did you gain from this activity? In the future, how can it enrich your life?
Learned how to navigate a supermarket and what kind of things I can use to better keep up my things.
d.活動建議What is your suggestion for this kind of activity?
Next time it could be in a more traditional set up so we can learn the ropes for purchasing things at the traditional market.
6. 佛光大學華語文教學中心學生裴O碩:
a.為何來參加活動:it helps me a lot in normal life :)。
b.經過這次活動,你/妳提升了什麼能力? What skills did you enhance during this activity?
溝通表達 Communication Skills, 領導力 Leadership Skills, 人際互動 Interpersonal Interaction Skills, 團隊合作 Teamwork Skills, 思考力Thinking Skills。
c.經過本次的活動讓您學習到什麼?對未來有何幫助活動收穫? What did you gain from this activity? In the future, how can it enrich your life?
I learned some products names and how to approach employees.
d.活動建議What is your suggestion for this kind of activity?
I have no suggestions now :)
7. 佛光大學華語文教學中心學生何O嗣:
a.為何來參加活動:Because I want to know how to buy things and were to buy them。
b.經過這次活動,你/妳提升了什麼能力? What skills did you enhance during this activity?
溝通表達 Communication Skills, 領導力 Leadership Skills, 人際互動 Interpersonal Interaction Skills, 團隊合作 Teamwork Skills, 問題解決 Problem Solving Skills, 創造力 Creativity Skills, 思考力Thinking Skills, 規劃力 Planning Skills, 整合組織能力 Organizational Skills, 外語能力 Foreign Languages Skills, 華語能力 Chinese Language Skills。
c.經過本次的活動讓您學習到什麼?對未來有何幫助活動收穫? What did you gain from this activity? In the future, how can it enrich your life?
Well, it helped me to know where to find all the basic stuff that we use on our daily basis and to know where to find cheap things.
d.活動建議What is your suggestion for this kind of activity?
I don't have any, I liked it as it was.
8. 佛光大學華語文教學中心學生黃O玉:
a.為何來參加活動:Class activity。
b.經過這次活動,你/妳提升了什麼能力? What skills did you enhance during this activity?
溝通表達 Communication Skills, 人際互動 Interpersonal Interaction Skills, 團隊合作 Teamwork Skills, 外語能力 Foreign Languages Skills。
c.經過本次的活動讓您學習到什麼?對未來有何幫助活動收穫? What did you gain from this activity? In the future, how can it enrich your life?
I learned how to communicate in chinese in an everyday life scenario. It was helpful to enhance my language skills and build interdisciplinary knowledge..
d.活動建議What is your suggestion for this kind of activity?
I am very satisfied with the activity.
9. 佛光大學華語文教學中心學生包O勛:
a.為何來參加活動:Becuase oyr teacher invited us。
b.經過這次活動,你/妳提升了什麼能力? What skills did you enhance during this activity?
溝通表達 Communication Skills, 領導力 Leadership Skills, 團隊合作 Teamwork Skills, 問題解決 Problem Solving Skills, 創造力 Creativity Skills, 規劃力 Planning Skills, 整合組織能力 Organizational Skills, 華語能力 Chinese Language Skills。
c.經過本次的活動讓您學習到什麼?對未來有何幫助活動收穫? What did you gain from this activity? In the future, how can it enrich your life?
How to slove problems.
d.活動建議What is your suggestion for this kind of activity?
10. 佛光大學華語文教學中心學生藍O俐:
b.經過這次活動,你/妳提升了什麼能力? What skills did you enhance during this activity?
人際互動 Interpersonal Interaction Skills, 創造力 Creativity Skills, 思考力Thinking Skills。
c.經過本次的活動讓您學習到什麼?對未來有何幫助活動收穫? What did you gain from this activity? In the future, how can it enrich your life?
I gain Team and Interpersonal work, also how to deal with some problems.
d.活動建議What is your suggestion for this kind of activity?
I don’t have any suggestions.
11. 佛光大學華語文教學中心教師潘O強:
b.經過這次活動,你/妳提升了什麼能力? What skills did you enhance during this activity?
溝通表達 Communication Skills, 領導力 Leadership Skills, 整合組織能力 Organizational Skills。
c.經過本次的活動讓您學習到什麼?對未來有何幫助活動收穫? What did you gain from this activity? In the future, how can it enrich your life?
d.活動建議What is your suggestion for this kind of activity?
12. 佛光大學華語文教學中心教師吳O雅:
b.經過這次活動,你/妳提升了什麼能力? What skills did you enhance during this activity?
溝通表達 Communication Skills, 領導力 Leadership Skills, 人際互動 Interpersonal Interaction Skills, 團隊合作 Teamwork Skills, 問題解決 Problem Solving Skills, 思考力Thinking Skills, 規劃力 Planning Skills, 整合組織能力 Organizational Skills, 華語能力 Chinese Language Skills。
c.經過本次的活動讓您學習到什麼?對未來有何幫助活動收穫? What did you gain from this activity? In the future, how can it enrich your life?
d.活動建議What is your suggestion for this kind of activity?
13. 佛光大學華語文教學中心學生馬O龍:
b.經過這次活動,你/妳提升了什麼能力? What skills did you enhance during this activity?
外語能力 Foreign Languages Skills, 華語能力 Chinese Language Skills。
c.經過本次的活動讓您學習到什麼?對未來有何幫助活動收穫? What did you gain from this activity? In the future, how can it enrich your life?
d.活動建議What is your suggestion for this kind of activity?
14. 佛光大學華語文教學中心學生王O蘭:
a.為何來參加活動:Because it sound interesting and it was my last activity with the 老師 of that semester.
b.經過這次活動,你/妳提升了什麼能力? What skills did you enhance during this activity?
溝通表達 Communication Skills, 團隊合作 Teamwork Skills, 創造力 Creativity Skills, 思考力Thinking Skills, 華語能力 Chinese Language Skills。
c.經過本次的活動讓您學習到什麼?對未來有何幫助活動收穫? What did you gain from this activity? In the future, how can it enrich your life?
It help me to know more about the environment, the prices here in Taiwan and also it help me to improve my communication skills.
d.活動建議What is your suggestion for this kind of activity?
Nothing to add.